Kitchen Table Studios is a concept that has been a major part of my making process for my whole life.

At the moment I'm concentrating on my textile jewelry, and here you will be able to see it before it is in shops or available on-line.

As much as I would like a studio of my own...and one day I hope I have one, for now, it's the kitchen table. The annoying part of working where inevitably you have to pack up before mealtimes has informed the very nature and scale of the projects I make.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More necklaces

more made goodies available at Geelong Gallery


this is a little experiment, using metal findings. I like  it.

Vintage material from the U.S

Ancient quilt material tranformed

more french fabric

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

more ancient french fabric scraps

I really love the way this has been printed...all watercoloury 

Geelong gallery

I just thought I should show what my work looks like at the Gallery

Here's what part of the shop looks like, it really is a great place to get cool bits and pieces

And here it is in the cabinet.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Plus belle bouts de tissus français

I can feel a new range coming on...

belles chutes de tissu français

This is part of quite a big lot of fabric I've just received.

It's all very ancient....

and quite special,

I can't imagine exactly what I'm going to do with it...

But, I'm pretty sure I'll think of something.

I've been waiting for these for quite a long time, here are just a few pieces. I'll post more when I have time.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The american vintage quilt...Pre washed and quite gross

this is pretty much the whole piece, very grubby indeed

the top left are the feedsack materials, and you can see where I removed the quilting threads

a more detailed look at this purdy piece of material

ewww, .....but it cleaned up really well.
Amazing what a gentle soak in Nappysan, and a bit of Sard wonder soap can a bit of good old fashioned sunshine. I'm sure if there are any restoration experts out there they may raise their collective eyebrow at that one. But, as I see it, this cloth has managed to exist quite nicely for...mmm about 80 years. And I intend to turn it into something that will maybe give it another 5 or 10 years life, I think it will be ok.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

At the Geelong Gallery

This is a new range I'm working on, all the materials in this piece are from a reclaimed American quilt, probably from Depression times. I'm really into this at the moment. All faded and used and gorgeous.

The flower in the front is feedsack.
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