Well, I really am trying to cram this making business business into the tiny fragments of time I have...i never used to believe women who said they didn't have time to do any artwork any more..."since the kids". I'm trying very hard not be one of those people.
So, right now I'm very into making these textile jewelry pieces you can see on this blog. I'm working quite hard to get my Etsy store ticking over a bit more...cyber selling is really like watch paint dry. But, things are picking up.
I am also working towards being in a makers market which will be on towards the end of June 2011. So, if you see anything on here that you might like to have a look at in real life, you'll have to get ye-self to Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Kitchen Table Studios is a concept that has been a major part of my making process for my whole life.
At the moment I'm concentrating on my textile jewelry, and here you will be able to see it before it is in shops or available on-line.
As much as I would like a studio of my own...and one day I hope I have one, for now, it's the kitchen table. The annoying part of working where inevitably you have to pack up before mealtimes has informed the very nature and scale of the projects I make.