Kitchen Table Studios is a concept that has been a major part of my making process for my whole life.

At the moment I'm concentrating on my textile jewelry, and here you will be able to see it before it is in shops or available on-line.

As much as I would like a studio of my own...and one day I hope I have one, for now, it's the kitchen table. The annoying part of working where inevitably you have to pack up before mealtimes has informed the very nature and scale of the projects I make.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Makers Market!! Yipeeee!!

Well, I will be at the Creative Design Market at the Wintergarden in Geelong on the 6th of December, 10 am. Very excited. Need to get my skates on. Make, Make and more make.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Here are some new yo-yo thingies I'm making out of vintage Japanese fabric, and 'found' bead things. Very fun to do.

Meeting with shop went well up to a point. Seems as though, to get the sort of prices I would like I might do better at a makers Market, or online...have to have a bit of a think about my next step.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Vintage Plates....mmm

My new vintage plates. I have a meeting tomorrow with a shop, hopefully they would like these.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

vintage cup saucer and plate....

This is my very latest, and I think I'm ready to hit the stores. I am very pleased with the result of this vintage crockery. It's a very soft pinky colour, and I think it looks very good with my colours....yay!

I stayed up late fixing my labels, and trying to figure out costs...and boring things like that.

Monday, October 26, 2009

These are my new bowls, they are quite small. About 8cms across.

I've nearly got a place where you can buy these... Stay tuned.

I know I could put them on ETSY but I really don't want the worry of posting very breakable china....

Monday, October 12, 2009

other bits and pieces

My box of goodies...that I'm trying to fill...

egg cups

Hand painted egg cups

Pin cushions

Each Pin cushion is a bit over an inch square and is made up from vintage Japanese fabric, mainly silk. There is a decorative pin in each pin cushion, which I have also made.


Here are my new bowls, they are small "rice" bowls, hand painted with ceramic paint. The images are based on my masters drawings and relate to the carnivalesque.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I've been working on some new ideas, and turning the ideas into things...things to sell. Soon you will see
handpainted ceramic ware
Woven textile neck ware
cubic pincushion ware
rows of birds
and more.
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